Samantha Conca
For Sale (8)
Here are the most recent listings.
2 hours, 59 minutes
49 Woodcutters Lane
Staten Island, NY 10306
1 day, 22 hours
68 Regal Walk
Staten Island, NY 10303
1 week
36 Hill Street
Staten Island, NY 10304
1 week, 6 days
23 Chatham Street
Staten Island, NY 10312
2 weeks, 2 days
6 Altamont Street
Staten Island, NY 10306
1 month, 3 weeks
95 Glover Street
Staten Island, NY 10308
1 month, 3 weeks
38 Wright Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10303
1 month, 3 weeks
3110 Richmond Terrace
Staten Island, NY 10303
For Rent (1)
Here are the most recent listings.